The goal of the Open Canvas Working Group (OCWG) is to establish interoperability between different infinite canvas tools.
The OCWG is an open working group of inifinite canvas tool builders and users who are iterating on a standard to drive interoperability between a wide variety of infinite canvas tools.
Intended Outcomes
- Discover a lowest-common denominator file format for storage and serialization.
- Demonstrate real-time synchronization between different tools.
- Develop a test bench for the standard to demonstrate capabilities. (Similar to the CSS Acid Tests)
Q: Why not just push issues and pull requests to Obsidian's JSON Canvas? Why the separate organization, website, and name?
A: JSON Canvas is an excellent starting point, and if it already serves your needs we recommend it! OCWG provides a forum for larger discussions around canvas interoperability and additional resources for the development of those standards. It's a reason to get builders in the same room, working towards the same goal, talking through the challenges and collectively iterating towards solutions. We fully anticipate that our work will drive issues and pull requests against JSON Canvas.
All major discussions and artefacts will be public on GitHub. You can also join our Discord for ephemeral discussions. Major updates go out biweekly via email.
Next Meeting: #12 - November 5, 12:00 ET
We meet every 2 weeks on Tuesdays. Meeting recordings, transcriptions and other artifacts can be found in the linked discussions.
Past Meetings
Date/Time | Topic | Recap |
Okt 5, 12:00am ET | The team explored key design challenges in OCWG, from JSON Schema limitations and group deletion semantics to parent-child relationships and connectors, while outlining actions to improve structure and interoperability across tools. | Meeting #11 |
Sep 17, 12:00am ET | Node, Relation, Resource, and Schema Structure, ID Management, Caching Considerations, JSON Linked Data vs JSON schema, Extensibility and Schema Features | Meeting #10 |
Sep 5, 12:00am ET | The OCWG meeting focused on legal structures, resource handling, node relations, and namespace management, while aligning the Open Canvas format with GLTF’s standards for interoperability. | Meeting #9 |
July 30, 11:30am ET | JSON Schema Development, Asset Handling, Extension System, and Expert Collaboration | Meeting #8 |
July 9, 11:30am ET | Codeflow demos and discussions of schema extension, asset handling, and z-ordering | Meeting #7 |
June 25, 11:30am ET | Interop demos, multiple schemas per node, asset handling | Meeting #6 |
June 4, 11:30am ET | Discussing the extensibility model | Meeting #5 |
May 21, 11:30am ET | Discussions on the initial spec | Meeting #4 |
April 30, 1:30pm ET | Discussions on the initial spec | Meeting #3 |
April 16, 12:30 ET | Defining interop and a minimal format | Meeting #2 |
March 26, 12:30 ET | OCWG Kickoff | Meeting #1 |